You can be the difference.
Support us in championing human rights in the US and abroad and ensuring accountability from those who abuse human rights.
Become an ambassador, sponsor, ally, and leader and sing-up today.
Join the movement of Latinos and Latin Americans 4 Human Rights. Let's make a difference for refugee children and immigrants in detention centers and Latinos seeking for their human rights to be respected, heard, and accounted for in every region from Central America, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Colombia, etc., and The United States. We need our collective voice and our most visible leaders, including entertainers and business leaders, to bring voice to power. Latinos, it is time for action, accountability, and results!
Conviértete en embajador, patrocinador, aliado y líder- inscríbete hoy.
Súmate al movimiento de Latinoamericanos por los DERECHOS HUMANOS. Hagamos una diferencia para los niños refugiados e inmigrantes en centros de detención y los latinos que buscan que sus derechos humanos sean respetados, escuchados y que se tenga consecuencias en todas las regiones de Centroamérica, Cuba, Haití, Venezuela, Colombia, etc., y Estados Unidos. Necesitamos nuestra voz colectiva y nuestros líderes más visibles, incluidos los artistas, personajes públicos y líderes empresariales, para llevar la voz al poder. Latinos, ¡es hora de actuar, que los agresores rindan cuentas y obtener resultados!
How your contribution helps
Your gift today helps us to keep fighting for human rights in the U.S. and across the world - and to hold those that violate those rights accountable.
Keeping the lights on
Donate, fundraise, sponsor, host, and help us reach potential funders to meet our goals for accountability for human rights.
Direct aid
Your contribution helps us provide direct aid to those directly affected by human rights abuses.
Funds help us build up our advocacy efforts across the world for humanitarian causes.
Help us get more people involved through actions, marches, and digital education at a local and international level.