Universal PEriodic Review
the facts matter.
Join us in learning about the Universal Periodic Review and how you can participate in your country’s UPR cycle. Take part and make a difference in advancing human rights.
What is the UPR?
The UPR (Universal Periodic Review) is an important tool for advancing human rights.
It is a mechanism that allows us to hold states accountable for addressing human rights violations and for ensuring that all peoples are treated equally and equitably.
A few key things to remember are that it is a 5-year process, consisting of 3 key key stages.
Stage 1: Review
Stage 2: Implementation
Stage 3: Assessment
3 documents are the cornerstones of each review:
- A national report written by the country being review, also known as the State under Review (SuR).
- A compilation by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR).
- A summary drafted by OHCHR, based on information by the SuR’s national institutes and civil society organizations (CSO’s) like us!
To learn more check out the video below!
Learn how it works
Take the quiz.
Now that you’ve read up on the basic mechanics of the UPR, test your knowledge by launching the UPR quiz and going through the mechanics of how the UPR process works.
When does the UPR Take place?
The Universal Periodic Review has some important dates to keep in mind.
Check out the timeline below to learn more about how the process works.